Minnetonka sends Grace Rector on an epic adventure to Ecuador!



One moment Grace Rector is going about her daily life in Los Angeles, the next she’s packing for her upcoming trip to Ecuador on an epic adventure with ME to WE. Ok wait a second, let’s rewind. How did it happen?

Grace saw that Minnetonka was giving away a ME to WE trip online. Having been on an Ecuador trip before and becoming passionate about Women’s rights and speaking Spanish, returning to Ecuador was high up on her bucketlist. So naturally, she applied and…BAM, she won an epic adventure to Ecuador this summer!




We caught up with the globetrotting gal to hear all about her excitement.

What’s your philosophy on travel?

Traveling is one of the greatest gifts humankind is capable of because we can experience different cultures from where we live, and other languages that tell a different story than our own.


Okay, tell us what you’re most excited about seeing!

I am ecstatic to experience the culture of the indigenous people living in the Andes and to learn common phrases in their dialect! I’m also looking forward to being inspired by the people I’ll be surrounded by and to use that inspiration to start a movement.


We have a feeling you’re already making an impact on the world. Tell us about it!

 Ever since I could walk, I’ve been volunteering at St. Margaret’s Homeless Shelter in L.A. This organization is a big part of my life because my family is also deeply involved in it.

My intention with volunteering is not to congratulate myself on helping others, but to learn about different kinds of people and using the information to better my community, country and the world.



Spill the deets…why is volunteering important to you?

 Not everyone can wake up every morning feeling safe in their own skin, not everyone can go to the nearest grocery store to buy food, not everyone can attend a school that educates them properly. I need to stand up for those who do not have basic human needs, and pass on the good deeds people have done for me.


What issue fires you up like no other?

I am passionate about the rights of young people. No matter how times change, how technology, or materials change, children will always be the future of our world. We should do everything in our power to give them the tools they need to make a positive impact on the world!


Thanks for chatting with us Grace. Have a rad time on your trip!


If you’re inspired by Grace and have travel on your bucketlist, make it happen!


